Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's All About Credibility!

For my third essay, which will define pornography, I found an article online by Michael C. Rea, of the University of Delaware. The article is titled "What is pornography?", and in it, Rea examines the question of what pornography actually is. Rea starts by giving the reader some examples of pornography and some examples of non-pornography, and then goes onto to state some definitions of pornography and the respective problems with those definitions. Rea entails six definitions of pornography, all very different in their own way. After stating all six definitions, Rea then outlines his own definition of pornography, stating that "it comes in two parts, one stating what it is for something to be used or treated as pornography, and the other stating what it is for something to be pornography." Although I do not know if Rea is a student or a professor at the University of Delaware, I believe that this article is very credible, as it seems to be his opinion. Someone's opinion is never wrong, and Rea seems to outline and entertain every different aspect of pornography in a very clear and detailed manner. I believe this article will be of great assistance when I am writing my third essay.

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