Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Proposal for the US/International Space Programs

I agree with Michael Benson in saying send the ISS somewhere else. The International Space Station should be sent somewhere else because we, as Americans, are not using it and it is wasting money. If we were to sell it to a different country, like China, we would be making a huge profit, one to subsidize the expenses already put into the project. This action could also stand as a test to see if the ISS we built works correctly. After selling it to the Chinese, we would be able to see what problems persist, which would allow us to eliminate those problems if we decided to build another one. If the US does not want to sell the ISS, then we need to get people up to it to utilize it. We could further our research about space in doing so. I am positive there are people in the United States that would love to be the guinea pigs for the ISS. Either one of these proposals will fix the topic of Benson's article states: that the ISS is just wasting space and our money and something needs to be done about it.

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