Sunday, February 27, 2011

ESSAY 3: Defining a Concept

Pornography: What exactly is it? Is it the late night television programs that show sexual behavior...or is it historical paintings of naked women? What is considered pornography? For my essay, I will be examining pornography and what I believe to be its definition.  I will use examples of ancient art that were acceptable when they were created, and will compare them to similar pieces of art that are frowned upon in today's society.  I will also dive into comparing what is acceptable in today's society, to what would have been considered pornographic in nature, even as little as forty years ago.  I chose this topic because I feel like the definition of pornography is very controversial, especially in regards to pieces of art, and also because I think it is an idea that in recent years, has been redefined, in regards to what is allowed to be shown on T.V. today. 

Is THIS pornography?

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