Sunday, February 27, 2011

ESSAY 3: Defining a Concept

Pornography: What exactly is it? Is it the late night television programs that show sexual behavior...or is it historical paintings of naked women? What is considered pornography? For my essay, I will be examining pornography and what I believe to be its definition.  I will use examples of ancient art that were acceptable when they were created, and will compare them to similar pieces of art that are frowned upon in today's society.  I will also dive into comparing what is acceptable in today's society, to what would have been considered pornographic in nature, even as little as forty years ago.  I chose this topic because I feel like the definition of pornography is very controversial, especially in regards to pieces of art, and also because I think it is an idea that in recent years, has been redefined, in regards to what is allowed to be shown on T.V. today. 

Is THIS pornography?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

ESSAY #2 TOPIC: An Evaluative Comparison of Two Texts

The message/argument of my two media outlets is that smoking is detrimental to one's health. I am using an article about smoking that I found on the American Cancer Society website (article can be found here: that outlines the side effects and statistics of smoking cigarettes. My other media form is a commercial that I have seen while watching TV. This commercial can be found at:, and has very powerful effects that show just how bad smoking can be for an individual. I chose to focus on an anti-smoking message because it has always been a matter that is near to my heart. My grandfather, whom I am very close with, used to be a smoker. Although he has not suffered any side effects yet (that we know about), it has always been very special to me because he quit smoking when I was born (I was his first grandchild). Because of my grandpa, I am inspired to show others just how harmful smoking can be.