Sunday, April 10, 2011

Visual Advertisement

The visual advertisement that I chose can be found here:,r:1,s:0

The media used for this visual text includes images and words. The medias work together; the image of a gun being loaded with cigarettes serves as the image media, while the words work in favor of anti-smoking by listing facts and consequences of smoking. The words that accompany the visual text are used to reinforce what the image is trying to portray, which is that smoking is extremely dangerous and can be deathly, or it is a "smoking gun." This visual is intended to create negative feelings about smoking, listing facts like smoking dulls your senses of smell and taste, wrinkles your skin, and may cause fatal heart attacks. This visual is designed to convey the fact that smoking is basically killing yourself, which is seen through the gun being loaded with cigarettes. It is trying to convey that if you are going to smoke cigarettes, you are basically just shooting yourself with them, because it will cause death just like being shot with a gun will. Your eye is drawn first to the hands holding the gun being loaded with the cigarettes. It takes up a majority of the space and is in the middle of the advertisement and is a color that pops against the black background. To the left, there are facts about smoking and the damages that can be done by smoking. I think the blackground is black in order to make the advertisement stand out, but also because it is a dark color, and the advertisement is dealing with a dark subject: death. The white and orange cigarettes really draw your eye to the image of the "smoking gun" and the cigarettes signifying bullets. At the bottom of the advertisement, in large white letters, it reads "Smoking Kills." This is emphasized by not only the size of the letters (they are the largest thing on the advertisement), but also by the white contrasting against the black background.

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