Sunday, January 30, 2011

1st Essay Prompt

For our first essay in which we will perform a Rhetorical Analysis, I have chosen to analyze an essay about the harmful effects of child beauty pageants. This has always been a topic that I am passionate about, as my mother was put in pageants as a child and suffered many of the negative effects. I enjoy watching TLC's "Toddlers and Tiaras," and am always amazed that parents of the young children on the show can be so selfish and forceful with their children. The areticle that I am analyzing can be found here:

Examples of children who have been subjectified to the pageant world:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rhetorical Analysis of NappingTime!

One of my favorite blogs ever is Jill Sturrock's blog: NappingTime. I have been watching/babysitting/nannying her two little kiddos (children) for 2 years now. I am very close with the family and am in love with her two children; Sage (3 and a half years old), and Teague (1 years old). Since the Sturrock's are all the way in Washington state (where I am from), I love going on this blog each week and seeing what the family is up to. The URL for this blog is:

The purpose of this argument (blog) is to keep anyone the family knows up-to-date with the Sturrock's and their family. The audience is anyone that happens to stumble upon this blog, but most likely it would just be anyone who knows the family and is interested in their day to day lives. I miss Sage and Teague very very much, so NappingTime gives me a way to connect with the family and see what is new. I enjoy looking at the pictures and cannot believe how fast "my" kids are growing up! The techniques that the blog uses includes posting pictures and videos of the kids, providing facts and interesting things that the family has been up to or doing, and using humor to let the audience get a sneak peek into the lives of the family. Often times, there are stories about the children, and Sage being almost 4, is in a hilarious stage of her life where almost everything that comes out of her mouth is funny. This uses an emotional technique in order to pull at your heartstrings and catch a glimpse of how lively and funny she really is. Facts about what is new with the family are included, with the evidence being in the pictures that are sometimes posted. I would say the blog succeeds in appealing to all those interested! NappingTime is a social blog and serves to focus on the context of connecting with others who may not be able to be there with the family (like myself!)

Sage and Teague Sledding!

A picture of the Sturrock Family.

My little "Sagie"